

We readily consult with companies and individuals concerning their training and safety needs.

Phase One has serviced over 10,000 clients since our inception in 2005. No company is too big or too small for our services. We are here to serve you!

OSHA Compliance

OSHA compliance is much needed by companies that fall in the State of TN OSHA rules.  We conduct on site evaluations and provide the recommendations needed to avoid costly citations and fines.

Services Offered

Our services are deployed at client requests.

 Phase One offers comprehensive lead abatement training, lead inspections, indoor air analysis, inspections and monitoring. 

We also conduct OSHA compliance, consulting and indoor air monitoring.  For industries that fall under OSHA rules, we conduct HAZCOM and respirator training.

Measuring Lead Levels in Water Supply

Phase One Consultants, LLC is able to test lead levels in water supply and or lead levels in soil.

Phase One Consultants is a company dedicated to providing lead abatement training, occupational safety and health training and lead inspections.

Renovation & Remodeling Training introduces the student to the new federal lead safe work practices required of all renovators & remodelers working on pre 1978 housing.
We offer the Refresher EPA Renovation & Remodeling Training course.

Lead Abatement Training introduces the student to onsite lead safe worker abatement experiences.

Occupational Safety & Health Training and Monitoring consists of training students on hazard communication requirements, respirator protection, personal protective equipment, noise level evaluations and confined space entry requirements. The Occupational Health areas of our company cover indoor air monitoring, personal sampling and risk assessments.

Lead Inspections are conducted by State Certified professionals that use state of the art equipment and methods to evaluate single family homes, or multiunit dwellings.

Phase One Consultants are available to provide services

practically anywhere. Keep in mind that we provide

the following training services:

* Lead Inspections & Risk Assessments

* Asbestos Inspections & Monitoring

* Safety and Health monitoring & training

* Hazard Communication Training

* Lead Abatement Project Designs

* Respirator Training

* Noise Level Monitoring/Hearing Conservation Program

* EPA certified Renovation & Remodeling Course training

* We are also able to test for Lead Abatement Dust Clearence

Phase One Consultants, LLC

Contact Us

2522 Alameda Street
NashvilleTN 37208
United States

ph: (615) 942-9725
fax: (615) 942-9727
alt: (615) 584-8274